Leg pain can be a sign of painful diseases, be sure to know

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Leg pain must be experienced by every human being at some point in their life.  Sometimes this pain can be caused by an injury and sometimes it can be caused by fatigue and excessive walking.  Aging can also be a cause, but leg pain varies depending on the type and causes.

Tingling and itching in the legs

This discomfort usually occurs when a person sits or lies down to sleep. In this situation, there is frequent tingling in the legs and itching in the legs, as well as repeated jolts of sleep.  Symptoms can occur on a daily basis and can be interrupted for a number of reasons. The most common causes are vitamin B12 deficiency, severe kidney failure, and thyroid dysfunction.  In addition, pregnant women can also suffer from this problem. In addition, smokers also suffer from this problem or some nerve calming drugs can also cause it. Such patients  Massaging the feet before going to bed can help.

Pain in the shins and heels

Pain in the shins and heels, usually if you keep your feet down from the bed after waking up, is caused by the muscles and the tissues that support the curved bow of your foot being cut due to excessive pressure.  And eruptions that are causing the pain - the victims are usually overweight people or women who use heeled shoes regularly.  Rest your feet Avoid walking on hard surfaces and use soft comfortable shoes and in case of severe pain ski with ice on the heels.

Pain in the front of one leg

If severe pain in the front of the leg is accompanied by pain and burning in the lower back, this pain is called sciatica or sciatica pain, which may be due to compression of the vein in the spinal cord seals.  The severity is very high and common painkillers are ineffective in the face of this pain. You should see an orthopedist immediately and for which they recommend medication and physiotherapy - something else.  Home remedies can also be beneficial for this disease.

Knee pain

It is a common misconception that the gift of knee pain comes with old age when this impression is not correct - joint and knee pain is actually due to vitamin D deficiency which occurs with age.  Decreased in the body - due to which calcium and phosphate can not be part of the body properly and cause pain.  The most important source of vitamin D is the sun, which is rich in vitamin D - as well as fish, eggs, mushrooms, malt juice and dairy products. 

Stiffness and strain in the leg muscles

Leg muscle stiffness and the resulting stretch marks and pain can actually indicate a renal dysfunction - and if there is swelling in the legs and feet, see a doctor right away.  This is because the balance of salts in the body is deteriorating due to kidney failure and this is the reason for this stretch.

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